Wednesday 22 October 2008

Who's Making Who Laugh?

Well for one, JennK, you REALLY make me laugh, considering your the biggest two faced shit stirring dyke on the internet.
You really are something else, and people like you are the ones who should be labeled snitches, bitches and downright evil witches.

While you may assume I'm the one who's obsesses, [ha fucking ha!]
who's the little tittle tattle that ran between Cora and Sweetz stirring up ALL the trouble in the first place.
Erm, let me think, would I be right in thinking it was you. Well, sure I would, I've got the proof here in black and white.
Don't think or even DARE act as if your blameless in all this, your nothing but an attention seeker who comes across all goody goody, when in fact a lot of this crap that going on right now would NEVER have come to surface had you not gone from one to the other with tales of this and tales of that, no doubt worded just how you wanted them to
interpret it.
You've played your so called friends for fools and I can't wait till this ALL catches up with you.

So don't have the gall to sit there on your moral high ground judging others for stating FACTS when all you do is stir the shit and sit back and revel in the turmoil you create.

What, do you actually believe that because you haven't been caught out yet that your safe? Dream on dog breath, your day is coming.
And believe me, whilst Cora may not be number 1 on my list of friends, I can't wait till she sees you for what you really are and whoops your gas filed ass.

Want to call my hand, I DARE YOU! after all, you've got a damn site more to lose than I have.
You see, I KNOW you and all your cronies.
But you'd NEVER in a milion years come close to finding out who I am.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as the old saying goes!

So toddle of back to your trailer park trash can, munch on a rug, it might actually keep your mouth shut for a while.
And before I go, you seem to think I have nothing more to say, well I've got plenty, only it's not you I'm going to say it to, just EVERYONE you've been saying it about.

Let's see who has the last laugh now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


JennK said...
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Anonymous said...

RaeRae, I don't understand why you're doing this. I thought we were your friends. I don't understand where this resentment and anger is coming from. I always thought you were sweet and funny, but this side of you kinda scares me. Please stop this vendetta. For your own sake, if no one elses.

Pirate Confessions said...

You stated you wouldn't be speaking to Jenn anymore, that you would be telling it to those she spoke about. Since I am one of them....Let's see it. Email me in private if you wish. But I wanna hear it. I wanna see it.

Again I say, back it up!

nvr2L8 said...
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Sasha SmartyPants said...

Looks like the blog owner laughed herself clear out of commission.


Good thing the darkside is back.