Wednesday 22 October 2008

Who's Making Who Laugh?

Well for one, JennK, you REALLY make me laugh, considering your the biggest two faced shit stirring dyke on the internet.
You really are something else, and people like you are the ones who should be labeled snitches, bitches and downright evil witches.

While you may assume I'm the one who's obsesses, [ha fucking ha!]
who's the little tittle tattle that ran between Cora and Sweetz stirring up ALL the trouble in the first place.
Erm, let me think, would I be right in thinking it was you. Well, sure I would, I've got the proof here in black and white.
Don't think or even DARE act as if your blameless in all this, your nothing but an attention seeker who comes across all goody goody, when in fact a lot of this crap that going on right now would NEVER have come to surface had you not gone from one to the other with tales of this and tales of that, no doubt worded just how you wanted them to
interpret it.
You've played your so called friends for fools and I can't wait till this ALL catches up with you.

So don't have the gall to sit there on your moral high ground judging others for stating FACTS when all you do is stir the shit and sit back and revel in the turmoil you create.

What, do you actually believe that because you haven't been caught out yet that your safe? Dream on dog breath, your day is coming.
And believe me, whilst Cora may not be number 1 on my list of friends, I can't wait till she sees you for what you really are and whoops your gas filed ass.

Want to call my hand, I DARE YOU! after all, you've got a damn site more to lose than I have.
You see, I KNOW you and all your cronies.
But you'd NEVER in a milion years come close to finding out who I am.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as the old saying goes!

So toddle of back to your trailer park trash can, munch on a rug, it might actually keep your mouth shut for a while.
And before I go, you seem to think I have nothing more to say, well I've got plenty, only it's not you I'm going to say it to, just EVERYONE you've been saying it about.

Let's see who has the last laugh now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Thursday 2 October 2008

To set the record straight?

First and foremost Cora, unless your as illiterate as you are pathetic, my name is LEAH, not Cindy, nor am I a Cindy affiliate as you seem to assume.
Maybe you need to go back to school and learn how to read.
A few lessons on how to improve your Etiquette, Manners, Rudeness, Incivility, Bullying Tactics, Rage and Anger-Control may be something you should consider also...

And if ANYONE needs meds look no further than the mirror which you weren't by any chance looking at when you giggled no end regarding my email address.
Having seen your picture, your surly man face certainly makes me laugh as your attempt at a "POUT" makes you look more like a "TROUT".
What's even funnier is, since when did it become a crime to use a free email account????
Your the one who has more aliases than I've had hot dinners, and your also the one who uses numerous gmail and yahoo addys.
We can all draw our own conclusions from that.

And your also the one who posts whatever, whenever, yet disables your comments so no-one can reply. Frightened that the REAL facts will be revealed are you????

Now, in answer to the people over at "The Darkside". I have absolutely nothing to prove to you, unless of course you are "legitimate designers", as those are the people I clearly stated I would gladly pass on Cora's illegal sharing activities too.
If you are designers send me your proof and I'll send you mine, if not, then I suggest you concentrate on your own blog, as from what I can make out, if you yourselfs are not Mzp & NettieB, then your certainly very well acquainted with her as no matter what she seems to do, in your opinion she can do no wrong.
You applaud her???? Hell, why not go the whole hog and give her an award for being the biggest, meanest nasty a$$ on the net.

There is such a thing as freedom of speech, and whilst you seem to seem to think you are some higher authority who has the right to question others opinions, you freely post your own as well as allowing others, who if are not yourselves, then surely have to be YOUR affiliates!
This isn't a war to see who's blog is more popular than the others, it's just that some people prefer to post only facts, not assumptions or false accusations!!!!
But what I have noticed and would like to point out is that all your posters are annonynous ones, which makes me think that most if not all the drama caused over there isn't done by yourselves.
Although I have my own opinion on your blog, I made no reference about it prior to this and see no reason as to why you felt the need to mention mine.
Now do me a favour girlies, let the adults have their say and you do us all a favour and toddle back off to the playground.
You play your game your way, and if you know what's good for you, you'll leave me out of it.

Now, whilst most people mentioned in my first post have written me with both
feasible and BELIEVABLE reasoning behind Cora's accusations, I have decided to leave the final decision as to whether or not they choose to respond publicly, entirely up to them.

Most fear repercussions from 'bullies' ie: Cora, a person with obvious insecurities that puff up her low self esteem by being vindictive and malicious to others...Unfortunately this happens more readily online, because the Cora's of this world don't fear any repercussions. Yet, I'd bet my last dollar that she would NEVER say to your face the type of nonsense or unkind comments she posts so bravely online.

It's so easy for Cora to forget that the person at the other end of her fury is a real person with feelings.
It just makes me wonder what kind of life you yourself have Cora when this is the sort of thing you need to do to get enjoyment or feel better about yourself?

Now before I go, I got a very interesting email from a lady earlier providing me with the screenshots below.
Despite fearing she'll be next in the firing line, she has given me permission to go ahead and post them. She along with several other sources confirmed that another of Cora's aliases is ++PirateQueen++ as well as naming most of the others in the groups that shared these pando links.
Oh Cora, will you ever learn to live and let live and keep your big trash talking mouth shut.
Your digging your own grave which only gets deeper EVERY day!!!!

And on a last note for today's post, I did do my homework, the link I was provided with for the didgichick store was what it was PRIOR to Kimberly Giarrusso taking over. I'm SURE she'd be happy to confirm this should you want to check for yourself before doubting the FACTS I have posted!

That's all for now folks!!!!!
I'll be back soon with some more juicy gossip for you to get your teeth into.

Leah ( not Cindy)

Friday 26 September 2008


is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion.

What goes around comes around Cora and while you openly state revenge is sweet, it wont be long till this all catches up with you.

A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another.

Something you do on a regular basis, get a life away from the internet, you're not doing yourself any favours, and from what I've heard the only so called friend you have left is just as bad as you!

A shrink might be a better option, as you really do have issues.

A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.

Definition of Jealousy (& Evil Personified): Coralee Evans, aka Mz Cora, aka Mz Pimptress, etc! etc!

Now, while we all enjoy a nice bit of juicy gossip, (me included), I do believe there comes a point when people should move on, get a life and stop harrassing others who have actually made a name for themselves in the designing world. But for some this seems to be the impossible.

Having followed the numerous gossip blogs where people can freely accuse others of acts of piracy etc, I, have decided to lay my cards on the table as you are not the only one who can can make accusations. I also believe the accussed have the right of reply and to set the record straight, and have decided that the time has come to bite back and let the accussed voice their opinions about the accusations made against them if they so wish.

The Ringleader and the person behind most if not all of these accusations is none other than the infamous Coralee Evans,
aka Mz Cora, aka Mz Pimptress, aka MzP,aka Naughty Pimptress, aka Just a Girl on The Net, aka Carla Bassett,
aka ++PirateQueen++.

You say you have screenshots, more than likely altered for your own revenge tactics, but I also have proof of your own illegal activity..........
Including emails of you sharing numerous CU products as well as requesting them which I will gladly forward to legitimate designers upon request and screenshots from DST where you were outed for making large purchases then applying for chargebacks

You Mz Cora, owner of which has now been deleted then replaced with, also now deleted/renamed, should be aware that I have been supplied with screenshots in which
you did share a backdoor link to Retrodiva's kits and requested some not be shared publicly as they had not yet been released.
You also shared a backdoor links to when the store first opened, and screamed blue murder when they password protected it.
You also shared backdoor links to
The list goes on, but thankfully, one by one these sites became aware of your activity and all protected themselves from you!

Now, in my opinion YES, YOU are the BIGGEST pirate on the net.

We do think thee protest too much and have all come to the conclusion that the real reason behind your accusations is nothing more than an act of pure malice
due to the success, fame and popularity of the designers you accuse, and because
You so want to destroy these people because they happen to better than you in so many ways. You want so much to be like them that your excessive jealousy is eating away at you, and your spiteful nature reflects this as time and time again you try to make life hard for them just for the sake of it.


Each of them has made a name for themselves which one by one you have tried to destroy.

Thankfully your actions have had little or no effect, and how I bet this ruffles your feathers.

ANYONE who knows how to use PSP/PS knows how easy it is to alter a screenshot to make it appear legitimate, and you Mz Cora are a master at this.

You have jealousy issues with each and every one of the designers you have accussed, not to mention all the accusations you have made about the taggers and stat makers behind their backs. But we'll get to that later.

I will be contacting each and every one of them in the hope that they are willing to have their say and show you up for the spiteful, vindictive, desperate wanna be that you are.

Thank the lord your retiring because whichever of your so called fans (if indeed they exist) was stupid enough to buy any of your kits, well, they must have had their eyes painted on.

I'd say good luck to you, but you most definately don't deserve it, so under the circumstances I'd say GOOD RIDDANCE was more appropriate.



1: You accused Veronica Spriggs & Sweet Made, both successful designers.
Reason: They didn't feel you were good enough to sell at their store, and how right they were. Quoted by Mz P herself!!!

2: You accussed Lynne aka BabyCakes Designs
Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

3: You accussed hottts aka Element by Design
Reason: Declined to join your Scraping Dead Girls Store. This has yet to be confirmed.
Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

4: You accussed Gina aka Designs By Dawn
Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

5: You accused Michelle H. aka MAH Designs

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

6. You accused Amy aka Scrappy Goddess

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

7. You accused Ellie Lash another succesful designer

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

8: You accused Misschifis Designs, another succesful designer

Reason: From what I'm led to believe she pulled out at the last minute from joining your Scrapping Dead Girls Store, although this has yet to be confirmed by Misschifis herself.
Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

9: You accused

Again, from what I'm led to believe she pulled out at the last minute from joining your Scrapping Dead Girls Store, although this has yet to be confirmed by Sweetz herself.
Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

10: You accused Pam Lefors another successful designer.

Reason: You were caught red handed sharing her kits.

11: You accused Kristine aka WenchdGrafix Designs another successful designer.

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

12: You accused MizMel.

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

13: You accused Heather Manning.

Reason: It's common knowledge you have had an ongoing personal vendetta against her, and on more than one occassion you have threatened to destroy her, as well as accusing her of being an incompetent mother. Disgraceful to say the least.

14: You accused Cinnamon Designs another successful designer.

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

15: You accused Britt-ish Designs another successful designer

Reason: Awaiting Reply [Will post if and when given]

This is just a handful of people you have attacked and made accusations against, so my job here is not done. I will be contacting each and every one of the people on my list that you have made allegations against over the past year, and will go out of my way to prove what a low life, nasty excuse of a human (if you can be called that) you are.

Your actions get more pitiful day by day.